Category Archives: Open Source

We are all doomed in the Internet of Things €“ and what we may can do to have a narrow escape.

IoT - Internet of Things Version 1.0

Dramatic headline. I know. First of all: don€™t panic.

As it makes sense to act headless facing the more and more unsecure landscape of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is defect. It€™s unsustainable by the fact of its technical, social and economical bugs in the system. And any effort trying to fix these bugs is waste of time and money.

I spent this year a lot of time on conferences discussing with developers and experts on how we can get more security into the Internet of Things. And I€™ve heard honorable recommendations. From improving the quality in the supply chain, introducing certification, training developers and raising consumers awareness on trust and privacy. All this sounds reasonable and for sure these actions can increase security and privacy in the Internet of Things. But it will not remove the increasing security and privacy problems we rush into. Let me show the dilemma on three aspects:

Broken encryption chains:
Many threats we are facing in the Internet of Things are based upon insecure applications and protocol layers. Latest by heartbleed and blueborn the possibilities of broken cryptochains have raised dramatically. Even on chip level crypto and trust concepts are broken e.g. the RSA encryption of Intels TPM chipset hack or Zigbee AES_CMM attack. On a complex Internet of Things connected environment €“ with many different things connected €“ there is a high possibility to include unsecure broken encryption in the system. Furthermore, devices with unsecure chipsets cannot be patched and in absence of alternative solutions unsecure chipsets will be still build into products. In past and future broken encryption chains will be part of Internet of Things networks.

Society dilemma on €œsafety€ vs. €œstrong encryption€:
Societies €“ especially national states – subjects to particular interests of their public stakeholders and citizens. Today proper encryption is an obstacle for intelligence and law enforcement. Which is a constrain this institutions goals to provide stable societies and advantages in nations competition. These superior goals are overriding the technical need of strong encrypted technical environments. Intelligences worldwide have been created a marketplace for Zero Date exploits. High economic incentives of intelligences by commercializing vulnerabilities is a blocker on fixing weak systems as fast as possible. Furthermore, today an arsenal of Zero Day Exploit is accumulated by institutions building advantages on their cyber weapons arsenals. That€™s why in the past and in the future security holes will be seen as a necessary requirement to gain advantages in global competition. With weak encryption security is an illusion. There is no security in the Internet of Things. Shadow broker NSA hack has shown what will happen, when Exploits will be leaked from Institutions towards cyber criminals. Wannacry is a direct result of that dilemma.

Economy and cost savings do not like security:
You are not interested in a secure environment, even if you are a stakeholder in security industries. The insecure Internet of Things is a strong economic driver for security industries. What? May you think I am silly. But keep in mind that the IoT Mirai Botnet makers Anna-Senpai have a strong background on DDoS defence industries. On a certain point of competition, they decided that a powerful DDoS weapon is enabling multiple business opportunities. Once to convince customers to choose own DDoS protection services and second the ability to earn money as DDoS stresser service provider. But also, non-criminal business activities will lead into insecurity. It€™s simply a fact, that security is an investment. In industrial production, a single product is a result of a complex supply chain with n-tier suppliers. On IoT products beginning from chipset manufacturers, microcontroller module providers up to App and Cloud software providers, all of them chained to a unique smart product. Each of them are in need of cost optimization. Each of them will keep an eye of cost effective security solutions on their particular business operation. There is no complete sight on security in the IoT supplier chain if the smart product is targeting cost sensitive markets as e.g. consumer goods.

We are doomed. What€™s the consequence?

First of all, of course we should not stop working on sustainable solutions for the problems I€™ve described above. But at all there are many facts that we should be pessimistic. So, our focus needs to be on how can we handle with insecurity than on trying to get rid of it. It€™s a complete different attitude, when we accept that future Internet of Things eco system will be completely insecure and a privacy nightmare. Because by that we can strengthen our selves to manage.

We can face the challenges, for example by being be prepared that you (or your institution / company) can be pawnd any time over an Internet of Things attack. For that it€™s better that you will rely your IT infrastructure on a compartment strategy €“ where you can shut off or isolate suspicious or harmful devices and services €“ without shutting off your complete smart environment and services. Next, it€™s important to have a close eye on all ingoing and outgoing communication from your network and the connected devices. This must be possible under full control without dependencies of 3rd parties as ISPs. The project is one possible solution to provide such controlling and monitoring instance which can be operated independently, as you can run it in a small scale smart home or larger scale smart infrastructure as industry 4.0.

Keeping the control on data flows is the key not to be doomed.

Its better just to accept that the Internet of Things is unsecure and post privacy. Sounds hard, but if we focus on that we can work on better concepts to create secure and private spaces in an unsecure world.

€žWir brauchen ein Warnlabel wie auf Zigarettenschachteln€œ

IoT Warning Product Label

Zwei Tage lang konferierten Europas führende IT-Experten bei der Europol-ENISA IoT Security Conference im niederländischen Den Haag. Zum wiederholten Mal waren erhebliche Sicherheitsrisiken und Bedrohungen aus dem World Wide Web Thema der Spezialisten.

Für digital worx Geschäftsführer Mirko Ross  zeichnet sich aktuell ein düsteres Szenario ab, dem man nach Ansicht des Beraters für Cybersicherheit nur noch mit drastischen Maßnahmen begegnen kann. Ross:

€žSorgen Hersteller nicht für mehr Sicherheit in ihren Produkten, dann brauchen wir ein Warnlabel, so wie das bei Tabak-Erzeugnissen und auf Zigarettenschachteln bereits selbstverständlich ist€œ.

Der 44-jährige reagiert damit auf die aktuellsten Erkenntnisse der Sicherheitskonferenz in Den Haag. Internationale Experten diskutierten in den Niederlanden zwei Tage lang über Bedrohungen, die sich vor allem für die Industrie, aber auch für Privatanwender im Internet der Dinge (IoT €“ Internet of Things) ergeben. €žWieder einmal haben wir gesehen, dass selbst scheinbar sichere Produkte Gefahren in sich bergen€œ, berichtet Ross. So erhielten Chips des Herstellers Infineon die Zertifizierung durch das Bundesamt für IT-Sicherheit (BSI). Nun stellte sich heraus, dass die in Ausweisen, Laptops und Krypto-Hardware verwendeten Chips mit RSA-Verschlüsselung unsicher sind und nach Ansicht der Experten mit vergleichsweise überschaubarem Aufwand geknackt werden können. Die Crux: das BSI hatte zertifiziert und Infineon offensichtlich einen Fehler bei der Implementierung gemacht.

Ein folgenschwerer Lapsus, wie sich nun herausstellte. Der Stuttgarter IT-Experte weiter:

€žWenn also selbst die von einer staatlichen Behörde zertifizierten Produkte unsicher sein können €“ worauf sollen sich Wirtschaft und Verbraucher eigentlich noch verlassen?€œ

Man könne sich des Eindrucks nicht erwehren, so Mirko Ross, dass die rasanten Fortschritte und die enorme Dramatik im Internet der Dinge nahezu unkontrollierbare Risiken nach sich zögen. Und dies gelte für alle gängigen Bereiche €“ egal, ob es Industrieroboter oder die smarte Vernetzung im neuen Eigenheim betrifft. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt müsse daher vor allem an die Vorsicht der User appelliert werden, ist sich der Experte sicher. Ross:

€žWir alle kennen die Warnhinweise auf Zigarettenaschachteln, die es bereits seit 2003 gibt. Auf etwas Ähnliches werden wir im Internet der Dinge auf Dauer kaum verzichten können – sofern sich die Industrie nicht auf die Einhaltung von hohen Sicherheitsstandards verpflichtet.€œ

Das auf das Internet der Dinge spezialisierte Botnet Mirai hatte bereits 2016 exemplarisch vorgeführt, dass unzureichend geschützte Geräte wie beispielsweise IP-Cameras sehr einfach für Cyberangriffe missbraucht werden können. Mirai hatte dabei lediglich die 61 häufigsten Hersteller-Passwörter von weit verbreiteten internetfähigen Geräten abgefragt, um die Geräte unter eigene Kontrolle zu bekommen. Das Botnet wuchs schnell auf über 500.000 gekaperte Geräte. Für IT-Experte Ross liegen mögliche Konsequenzen auf der Hand:

€žIch halte Labels auf Produktverpackungen von Internet-Geräten für möglich, die klipp und klar die Risiken aufzeigen, also beispielsweise: >Warnung €“ dieses Produkt kann für Datendiebstahl verwendet werden>€œ.


The Lessons of WannaCry for IoT

Moreover than 230.000 computers in 150 countries had been infected by the ransomware WannaCry. This figures sounds like a success. But compared to former ransomware cyberattacks WannaCry failed. In 2016 the ransomware locky was taking the world in storm. In its peak locky infected about 90.000 computers per day.

IoT securit risks

IoT security risks by automatically attacks

Locky infected its victims by fake E-Mail Attachment. This attack uses €œhuman fail€ as vector. While WannaCry was using a €œwormable€ security exploit, which allowed to infect systems automatically. From a technical level the WannaCry attack is high dangerous, as it allows compromising systems automatically, while locky is always depending on user interaction. But the automatically attack vectors also allows to defend easily by patching the security holes in the affected systems.

It€™s the patch, stupid!

WannaCry attack is based on a SMB exploit published by Shadow Broker Hacking Group. One month later Microsoft was publishing security patches for all Windows Versions with long term support. And most systems worldwide had been successful patched, when WannaCry stepped into world. So the WannaCry worm did not found enough unpatched systems to get feed fat. WannaCry€™s automatically attacks starved.

But what if we get wormable IoT exploits?

For IoT devices the WannaCry attack vector is a nightmare. Automatically attacks are a reasonable way to highjack IoT devices as we will have billions of connected micro controllers which are running in the background. If you want to attack them, you can€™t rely on user interactions to infect them as most of them will never require interfaces for direct users interaction. Keep in mind all the sensor nodes and gateways to collect environmental or industrial data for running smart cities, smart home and industry 4.0 applications. So attackers are relied on €œwormable€ exploits to infect those IoT systems by mass.

Feeding the worms in IoT

And they will find feed for such exploits in IoT world. Patching IoT systems is a nightmare compared to a Windows Systems ecosystem. In IoT there is no well-organized patching infrastructure in behind, which will provide security patches in a reasonable time and has the ability to deliver them worldwide to system administrators.

The IoT world is splitted in many vendors. Providing often low cost components, where maintenance is not part of the system concept or business model. By that the number of unpatchable IoT components is increasing every day dramatically. It€™s in your smart city, smart home and industry.

All what attackers need is a common automatically security exploit to run a successful infection campaign. As most IoT systems are based upon embedded software there will be a plenty of options to attack. For example, the SMB exploit of WannaCry also affects LINUX Samba SMB services and makes some of them vulnerable for remote execution.

So, when did you patched your IoT system?

IoT Council

IoT Council is one of the best think tanks we know. A strong community of IoT geeks, nerds, business, researchers and NGOs.

IoT Council

Iot Council

Let’s me give a big hug to IoT founder Rob van Kraneburg. You did a great job in the past as a forerunner on IoT and it’s impact on business, society and mankind.

The council is an open space for beautyful minds. I am looking forward the next years to contribute.

As the IoT council is open to everyone supporting it’s agenda, you can join here.

Welcome to Pleasantville*

*Or: why we are all doomed, if smart cities go commercial spaces.

Dramatic Headline, I know. Summarize my talk at this years IoTWeek 2016 Belgrad in Belgrad and let me convince you that I€™ve picked a weak headline.

Also this year IoTWeek 2016 Belgrad I€™ve seen awesome presentations from people all around the world, mainly aiming to make cities smarter to improve citizens quality of lilfe: better transportation service, improve carbon footprint or waste management. I€™ve watched smart busstops, smart power grids and smart security solutions. Designed by smart researchers and smart people of smart companies and smart citizen organizations. Everything and everybody is smart. Really? I don€™t believe that we step into a smart decade.

At a lot of hopes are tendered to this smart vision. One main objective: let€™s make citizens life smarter, easier or even better happier. But do we achieve that, without paying a bill? Sure not. And let me tell why I am not a believer in smart.

Back in the 90s when Internet was rising, this playground was an open space of free speech and endless prospects. 25 years later this liberate networked turned more and more from public to private spaces of cloud services provider as facebook, whatsapp, Google or Apple. We shifted our Internet consumption to this €œfree€ user places operated under the restriction of companies user agreements. With a drastic effect: We communicate on surveillance of speech and behavior.

Now, imagine what will happen to us, if this pattern will shift to smart cities? Cities of sensors and actors. Turning cities under the restriction of companies end user agreements is the €™s the end of public spaces as we know it.

In a funny way Hollywood did in early 90€™s a bad joke of smart cities in the Movie Demolition Man by the Violence of Speech penalty:

Now €“ is this really absurd? Unfortunately not. In general cities €“ so far I know them €“ do not have big budgets to invest and operate smart services. They rely on public or private funding. Public private partnerships are one way to turn and improve cities with smart augmented layers.

Cities can outsource smart services and citizens get in return professional services €“ and I really believe that companies are much better in designing products than cities. Why? They do this to maximize products. Satisfied and happy customers are source of success and revenues.

Do you still believe that the Demolition Man utopia is weird fiction?

Well, Chinese government decided in 2015 to do a test run on a giant private partnership program: Introducing €œchinese social credits€ to reward requested behavior and strike misbehavior.

Now adopt Chinese way to the western commercial business society. Voila, here it is: a smart city designed for our happiness, to optimize cities cost structures and operators revenue.

By living in this city you agree to the end user agreement of Google. Please update your credit card data.

Too black thoughts? No.

Stuttgart LoRaWAN: The Things Network for Smart Cities

Awesome! With in 8 days The Things Network reached it goal on Kickstarter. We are glad to bring this LoRaWAN initiative to Stuttgart.

Stuttgart - digital worx

LoRa is a Low Power Wide Area Network intended for wireless battery operated Things (e.G. Sensors) in regional, national or global network. LoRaWAN target key requirements of internet of things such as secure bi-directional communication, mobility and localization services.

The Things Network - Stuttgart - digital worxThe Things Network initiative will bring a low cost implementation of LoRaWAN Gateways to more that 50 Cities worldwide.

Together with bridging IT the team of digital worx will roll out loRaWAN in Stuttgart to become the town a Smart City of the worldwide The Things Network.

Smart City Stuttgart kommt!

Was in Amsterdam innerhalb weniger Tage klappte, sollte in Stuttgart doch auch problemlos möglich sein €“ das dachten wir uns von digital worx und bringen €žThe Things Network€œ zusammen mit bridging IT nach Deutschland.

Stuttgart - digital worx

digital worx bringt das The Things Network nach Stuttgart

Stuttgart ist die erste deutsche Stadt, die das unabhängige, freie und nur per Crowdfunding finanzierte Internet-of-Things-Netzwerk aufbaut.

Das Netzwerk macht sich eine neue kabellose Open-data-Verbindung namens LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide-area network) zunutze: Sie zeichnet sich durch einen niedrigen Energieverbrauch, eine geringe Bandbreite und einen Radius aus, der locker 10 km umfasst. Ein Anbieter ist nicht notwendig, die Verbindung funktioniert ohne 3G, WiFi oder Bluetooth.

Von Amsterdam aus erobert The Things Network die ganze Welt: Innerhalb kürzester Zeit reagierte die Internet-of-Things-Gemeinde auf den Impuls. Gruppen und Unternehmen aus São Paulo, London, Paris, Sydney, Boston oder Manchester schlossen sich an €“ und eben auch als erste Stadt in Deutschland nun Stuttgart. Sie begannen, eigene LoRaWAN-Projekte ins Leben zu rufen, die auf der The-Things-Network-Technologie basieren.

€žWir bauen gemeinsam das größte weltumspannende Netzwerk, um Gegenstände und Dinge mit dem Internet zu verbinden. Das Ganze im Geist echter Internet-Pioniere: frei zugänglich und auf Basis von Open-Source-Software. Es ist wunderbar, dass wir gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Bridging IT das The Things Network nach Stuttgart bringen können€œ ,so Mirko Ross, Geschäftsführer von digital worx.

Die große Resonanz war für die Initiatoren, Wienke Giezeman und Johan Stokking aus Amsterdam, der endgültige Beweis, dass ein offenes, weltumspannendes und per Crowdfunding finanziertes Internet-of-Things-Netzwerk möglich ist €“ und das innerhalb kürzester Zeit.

Knappe drei Wochen vor Ende der Crowdfunding-Initiative bei Kickstarter hat das The Things Network das anvisierte Finanzierungsziel von 150.000 Euro erreicht €“ innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden war die Hälft der angepeilten Summe bereits zusammengekommen. Schon jetzt hat das Netzwerk über 500 Unterstützer und zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Kickstarter-Kampagnen.

€žDer Einstieg in The Things Network ist für begeisterte Selbstbauer schon unter 200 Euro möglich. Benötigt wird ein kleiner Arduino-Rechner und eine LoraWan-Funkkarte. Durch Kickstarter wird es möglich, die Hardware in Zukunft zu einem Viertel dieses Preises und für den Betrieb fertig konfiguriert zu erwerben€œ, so Ross.

Soft- wie auch Hardware des Netzwerks folgen dem Open-Source-Prinzip. Die über Kickstarter finanzierte Hardware soll ab Juli 2016 erhältlich sein.

The Things Network - Stuttgart - digital worxHierbei werden Lösungen zu erschwinglichen Preisen zwischen 60 und 200 Euro entwickelt, wie zum Beispiel The Things Gateway: Der Router mit einer Reichweite von rund 10 km ist recht kompakt und sehr einfach und ohne Tüftlerkenntnisse zu installieren.

Er kann bis zu 10.000 Knotenpunkte bedienen und ist wie alle Hardware-Komponenten auf Sicherheit ausgelegt: LoRaWAN verwendet eine 128-bit-AES-Verschlüsselung auf beiden Seiten. Die Netzwerkschlüssel sind zudem einzigartig pro Knotenpunkt.

Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten für das The Things Network sind breit gefächert, von der smarten Türklingel über das Sicherheitssystem bis hin zu anderen praktischen Alltagshelfern.

Bisher bereits umgesetzte Projekte sind zum Beispiel: Der Tracker für das Fahrrad €“ das Device wird einfach am Fahrrad befestigt, per App lässt sich der Standort überprüfen oder zum Beispiel ein Alarm einstellen, sollte das Rad bewegt werden. Innovativ ist auch die Umsetzung im Tierschutz: Meist haben Anti-Wilderer-Einheiten in Simbabwe keine Möglichkeit, einander sofort und effektiv über Vorfälle zu informieren. Mittels einer informativen Online-Karte können wichtige Informationen sofort markiert werden, die einzelnen Teams können schneller eingreifen und im Nachgang lassen sich Muster der Wilderer analysieren.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier:

Die Crowdfunding-Aktion läuft noch bis 20. November bei Kickstarter:

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